1.4 Measurement and Evaluation System

1.4  Measurement and Evaluation System
To encourage students not to just focus on one subject but also develop wholesome education, all state colleges and universities offering basic education that must adopt the new grading system (the Republic Act No. 10533) According to the DepEd Order No.36 s. 2016. The University Science High School (USHS) adopts the said order with some modifications which has been implemented for about two years. The school proposed that DepEd medals be replaced with Central Luzon State University (CLSU) medals and to use the CLSU core values instead of the DepEd ones. This type of learning system provides comfort for students that excelin “minor” subjects (such as Arts and Edukasyonsa Pagpapakatao) and struggle in “major” subjects (such as Mathematics and Science) to excel in their academic ranks.
The new learning system also gives whole number averages to provide the students the satisfaction of being mentioned as “With Honors” for students with averages of 90-94, “With High Honors” for students with averages of 95-97, and “With Highest Honors” for students with 98-100 averages without being compared as “number 1” or “number 2”. In USHS, learners who will have grade lower than 80 in any grade level will not receive an academic award. Students who will also have a final grade lower than 80 will be not qualified for the next school year and will be advised to find another school. Conduct Awardees from Grade 7 to Grade 11 will receive their awards by the end of the school year evaluated by the USHS faculties based on the Section 4 of DepEd Order #8, s.2015 guide. Awardees must have at least 75% or 24 Always Observed (AO) out of 32 in their report cards. Students of USHS will also receive merit awards such as USHS Leadership Award, Best Junior High School Thesis Award, and Campus Journalism Award.
Moreover, Learners from Grades 1 to 12 are graded on Written Work, Performance Tasks, and Quarterly Assessment every quarter. In USHS, the Semester Final Grade and Semester General Average will be reported in whole number. In Junior High School Grading system Written Work, Performance Tasks, and Quarterly Assessment every quarter are given specific percentage weights that vary according to the nature of the learning area, which can be seen as the following table:

The Senior High School grading system can be seen as follow:

This education system has been implemented so that students receive awards for their outstanding performances and accomplishments in academics, leadership, and social responsibility, among the different aspects of students’ progress and development. Students also have to focus and make efforts to all of the subjects equally. Thus, by this implementation the learners will more explore rather than only receiving. Since in 21st century learners should and must be able to explore more and have a high critical thinking to be active.
