2.1 Teaching Methods

2.1 Teaching Methods
      In every lesson, preparation of the material needs to be done by the teacher. Generally, the teachers prepare the Lesson Plan (Learning Implementation Plan) which is used as a reference in the learning process. Preparation here can mean written preparation as well as mental preparation, emotional situation to be built, a productive learning environment, including convincing learning to be fully involved. Although every teacher has different method to teach the students and to make it organized the teacher usually divided into three steps which are preliminaries, main activities and closing. In the preliminaries teacher usually do the daily routine like checking attendance, motivating the students and even recalling the previous lesson, sometimes teacher also using games at the beginning of learning to gain students attention and motivate the students, teacher also usually inform the objectives of the lesson to make the students’ mental and physical readiness before conducting the teaching and learning process. In the main activities teacher focus on the method and strategy which is used to deliver the materials. In this session, the teacher also encourage the students to participate actively in the classroom. On the closing session, the teacher will review also evaluate the students whether the students understand and get the point of the material.
      Some teachers might use different methods in teaching in learning process but still on the same steps and purposes, such as: Physics teachers implemented 5E Model of Instruction that includes 1) engage, student interest is piqued. Students make connections with prior experience and understanding is connected. 2) explore. Students explore the concept through hands-on activities, identify real questions, develop a hypotheses and test variables. 3) explain. The direct instruction phase presented in a collaborative fashion. Vocabulary is defined, concepts are explained. 4) extend. Generalizations about the new learning is applied to previous investigations and new hypotheses are tested to draw conclusions. 5) evaluate. Students evaluate their own learning and prove what they know in writing, conversation and demonstration. Which is different with English teachers that implemented 1) Motivation deals with the giving local example and connect to the real-life view, 2) Discussion deals with the interaction bulding between teacher and students which as the apperception to further lesson, 3) Generalizations which deals with the explanation of the material theoretically, 4) Application deals with how the theory could be implemented and how the lesson could be applied in the real-life problem, and 5) Evaluation as the bridge to know whether the students already know and understand the concept of the material or need to be explore again.
During the teaching and learning process, it can be seen that how the teacher manage the classroom and time with their own methods. The teacher able to know what method that appropriate to be implemented for particular students for example, when some students are active in the class, and some of them are passive or seems like they feel shy and unconfident to be active in the classroom the teacher facilitate the students to have the equal chance and to be able to active equally in the classroom by using certain strategies. In the closing activities, teacher makes evaluation by using test or quiz. Furthermore, the language that used during the teaching and learning process is full English.
